Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Building a new world to adventure in

     I recently got married and as a result my usual hobby space has been taken over by wedding gifts. My wife and I went a little crazy with the gift registry scanning gun not thinking about what would happen if we were actually to receive everything when registered for. I love to cook but having 8 different fry pans of various shapes and sizes might have been over doing it. So as a result my hobby space is the temporary storage space for all our cool new stuff and I've taken a little break from my painting and gaming. To help scratch my hobby itch I have started to work on my custom world for my BSS campaign to take place in. So now I would like to present to you all the great nation of Marstonia!

     I'm still working on the map but this is what I have so far. I loosely fallowed this guide for making an old style map in gimp studio. The guide tells you how to make a map from scratch but I ended up using a real map as my starting point.
     I took screenshots of Penobscot bay, in Maine, from Google maps and then turned it on its side so that west was now north. I then erased a lot of the Islands so the I would have more open sea lanes. In BSS there is a fictional country of Edenstien and it is broken into several provinces for the player to travel around in and so I have done the same with my map. One problem I ran into when making my map was coiming up with names for everything. After scratching my head for 30mins and only coming up with a handful of names I went to google to try to find help. What I ended up finding was a fantastic website devoted to helping people with the very same problem I was having called Fantasy Name Generators! They have a huge database of random name generators. I ended up using their Town name generator for a lot of my town names. I've also started to work on the history/fluff of my new land but right now it is mostly a lot of scribbled notes so I will post more info when I have something more concrete. 

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