Saturday, August 16, 2014

With a little savvy and hopefully some steel

Of all the projects I am working on currently, my workbench is literately covered with miniatures right now, the one project I really want to focus on is my solo campaign using the By Savvy and Steel rules set by Two Hour Wargames. By Savvy and Steel is a fantastic rules set that takes the player back to 17th century Europe and the very same time period of the Three Musketeers! I have been a big Musketeers fan since I was a kid and I can still vividly remember seeing the 1993 Walt Disney movie staring Charlie Sheen and Kiefer Sutherland when I was 12. So when I saw that THW had released a rules set having to do with musketeers I jumped at the chance to get into a more historical side of the wargaming hobby. All of my previous experiences in wargaming were with futuristic scifi miniatures games.

By Savvy and Steel takes place in a fictitious country in the middle of real life 17th century central Europe but you are free to have your games take place in any real of imagined country you would like. This got me thinking about not just having my own fictitious country to adventure in but to create a whole world of own. Well a whole world might be a bit ambitious so instead I think I will start with a fictitious version of Europe. I've started scribbling down notes and ideas for my world, even made a rough sketch of a map, but it is all still a long way from being a world ready for adventuring so more on this in the future.

After buying the rules I now needed some appropriate minis since my genetically engineered super humans in power armor and blue skinned aliens with pulse rifles weren't going to work very well in this setting. I used a mix of minis from the Royalist Infantry plastic box set from Warlord Games, the Empire Free Company box set and the Empire Huntsmen box set from Games Workshop to make a few soldiers, gentlemen, and thugs.